So here’s some ridiculous news for today. Dice Tower News has reported that The People for Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) have issued a letter to Games Workshop, asking them to remove the “fur” garments worn by Warhammer characters. Yes, you read that correctly. PETA have taken umbrage with plastic figures wearing plastic clothes that are modelled to look like fur.
Addressed to Kevin Rountree, Chief Executive Officer for Games Workshop Group, the letter goes on to state that battle-hardened warriors wearing animal pelts “doesn’t add up”, and that “wearing the skins of dead animals doesn’t take any skill.” Oh, and that nothing on the “bloody battlefields of Warhammer’s war-torn world could match the horrific reality that foxes, minks, rabbits, and other living beings experience at the hands of the fur trade.”
PETA did at least acknowledge that they are fictional characters, but state that “draping them in what looks to be a replica of a dead animal sends the message that wearing fur is acceptable – when, in fact, it has no more place in 2017 than it would in the year 40,000.”
Look, I understand where PETA are coming from. Or, at least, I’m trying to see their perspective. But do they really think that people are that dumb? Like, really really? I don’t know about you, but I’m not going to support the illegal fur trade just because my Warhammer figures look like they’re wearing fur. I’m pretty sure I can differentiate a made-up, fantasy world from the real one. But that’s just my two cents.
You can read the letter in full here (PDF)
Alien Emperor Trevor
There’s only one response to this:
This is the same dumbass logic that states that people cannot differentiate between video game worlds and the real world and as a result committing mass murder in CoD will lead to us commissting mass murder IRL.
Dutch Matrix
Commissting? Heh!
Mistake Not...
Hey, is… is that the Batman Beyond picture I did? Damn, I’ve made it as an artist when people start using my art as profile pics XD. Good to see a new face here on the site.
Dutch Matrix
A mother sits on the steps of her stoep, dabbing a tissue at a tearful eye. Once again she takes in the horrible blood soaked scene in front of her and again, for what seems to Paul the hundredth time, she starts bawling.
“I don’t know what happened!” she admits as she stops crying long enough. “I just bought little Pieterjie a Warhammer statue, next thing I know he takes the broodmes to poor Twinkies yelling MUST.WEAR.IT’S.FUR!!!! Winter is COMING!!”
It’s long. But comment of the week.
why does length matter?
Of the comment, of course
Was going to say… Nice edit
Anyway, yeah it’s just not typical for a longer comment to win comment of the week is all. Usually it’s a clever and funny one liner. This is a clever and funny short story.
Admiral Chief
^This is solid majestic entertainment^
Comment of January, no doubt
Raptor Rants
This is gold
Original Heretic
^ I was wondering that myself.
Member Berry Bob
Ok, using that “logic”, the forces of Chaos wear the skulls of humans slain in battle and the Dark Elder and Necrons flay the skin of victims and wear it. So, should we petition the police to request that GW removes all these figures because people may want to kill other people to wear their skin and/or bones?
I was wondering that they focus on plastic fur imagery and ignore the extremely violent, well, everything else.
And I’m wondering how they feel about Tyranids, personally.
Craig "CrAiGiSh" Dodd
PETA … is you a dumb … you’s a dumb.
Admiral Chief
Raptor Rants
Because yes, we live in a world where we at at war using magic and dressed like Vikings.
Priorities PETA! Get your priorities straight!
Can people now understand why I take anything from the malnourished mouths of PETA with a bag of salt.
Preferably nice course with spices and I use for biltong.