Speaking of fun times, Monopoly are looking to liven up their image and change up the classic game tokens. So if you’re tired of the boot, or want to make sure the top hat is still in, now’s your chance! It’s going to be up to you to decide which eight tokens the game is going to have.
You’ve got a possible 50 new tokens to choose from, with options ranging from penguins, horses and dinosaurs, to race-cars, cellphones, a PC and… a rubber ducky? You also have the chance to vote in new tokens in the form of emoji and hashtags. Not sure who thought that was a good idea, but the option is there!
This isn’t the first time that Monopoly has changed a token. Only a few years ago, Monopoly kicked out the iron token in favour of Hazel the cat, which won the popular vote on Hasbro’s Facebook page because this is the internet and cats, so of course it did. I can’t wait to see what the internet hive-mind is going to go for this time. Why choose a typewriter when you can have the winking, kissy face emoji on the board!
So far, the strangest new option I’ve run into is a loaf of bread, which I can’t even begin to understand. You can be damn sure the rubber ducky got my vote though! Head over to VoteMonopoly.com, pick your top eight, and let me know what you think of our new crop of potential Monopoly tokens.
*selects random ones and submits*
Why the loaf of bread you ask, so that somebody can go: ” HA HA jy is ‘n f***n brood”
They should give the internet carte blanche on the choices so that we can have a penis, boobs, your mother and one of these
Zoe Hawkins
“the strangest new option I’ve run into is a loaf of bread, which I can’t even begin to understand.”
Agreed, i mean, we all know it’s the best thing since SLICED bread… right?