Of all my tabletop games, Love Letter ranks as my favourite carry around game. With just twenty cards and a few tokens, it fits into a small velvet bag and is perfect for gaming on the go. It’s also incredibly simple, so it’s a great pick-up-and-play game for new players. Involving risk, deduction and a little bit of luck, the goal of Love Letter is simple: deliver your love letter to the princess, and stop all the other players from doing the same. Gain enough tokens of affection from the princess and you win.
There are a few themes of Love Letter, Adventure Time and Batman Edition being some of the more interesting variants. Now, Alderac Entertainment Group have announced a new Love Letter variant: Lovecraft Letter.
In true twisted, HP Lovecraft style, Lovecraft Letter isn’t about princesses and tokens of affection. Instead, it’s about taking out your rivals as you all attempt to gain eldritch knowledge that will tear your sanity to shreds. Sounds awesome!
Here’s the official synopsis from AEG:
A mind-shattering journey into the world of HP Lovecraft and the Cthulhu Mythos warped into the shape of a Love Letter experience.
You’re not trying to gain affection from the Princess. You are trying to eliminate your rivals for power as you seek to understand the cosmic horror that lurks just beyond what we foolishly call “reality”.
In each round only one player will prevail. Use deduction and luck to eliminate other players or watch as their own madness consumes them.
Will you accept madness as the price that must be paid for Knowledge Man Was Not Meant to Know? Or will you attempt to hold the shreds of your sanity together in the face of eldritch nightmares attempting to enter and destroy our world?
Lovecraft Letter releases July 2017, and will allow for 2-6 players (ages 14 and up).
Alien Emperor Trevor
Who says Lovecraft isn’t about tokens of affection? https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/b9a8c23f3417009c38e0b91c66457575ccc7c9b5bddf99bc9d9f2736ce73daf6.jpg
Admiral Chief
Admiral Chief
Craig "Crios" Boonzaier
Been looking to get a copy of Love Letter, was thinking the Adventure Time one, but I think I have a new version to look forward too.