Hey, Rick and Morty fans, this one’s for you! Sort-of-not-really in conjunction with Season 3’s impending release, Cryptozoic Entertainment are releasing not one, but two new Rick and Morty themed games, both based on single episodes from the show. Here’s what’s going to tide you over until the show eventually starts again. Eventually.

rick and morty anatomy park

First up, we have Rick and Morty: Anatomy Park, a 2 to 4 player co-operative game. Players will work together to build Anatomy Park inside Ruben, a homeless man in a Santa outfit. Players take turns moving around the Park, placing new Tiles, dealing with Diseases, and moving previously placed Tiles to better spots.  As described by Cryptozoic:

[quotes quotes_style=”bquotes” quotes_pos=”center”]Working together to create a theme park inside of a hobo can be particularly trying, as you deal with cramped working conditions and a myriad of diseases. Suffice it to say, it can end up being one hell of an experience in one-upmanship.[/quotes]

If co-op isn’t your thing, we’ve also got Rick and Morty: Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind to look forward to. Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind is a deck building game featuring many different versions of Rick that act as both player characters or as the villainous Council of Ricks. Players use their decks to traverse various locations from the episode and series, as well as use their resources to add cards from their locations to their decks.

After showing at New York City Toy Fair last week, you can expect to see Anatomy Park in early Q3, and Close Rick-Counters of the Rick Kind in Q4 2017.