Still walking around on a Blade Runner 2049 high? Then you may want to check out God Complex, a sleek new comic series from Top Cow Productions and Indonesian high-end figurine manufacturers Glitch. Combining tech-noir, world mythology and philosophical musings, the comic should keep you in your heady, hyper-styled happy place.

The first issue of monthly series God Complex: Dogma released last week. It immediately plunges the reader into its unusual sci-fi universe, where humanity shares the planet with a god-like second species known as the Rulers. These helmeted beings – with considerable Stargate visual vibes – have access to the Matrix-esque “Stream” of human knowledge, information and imagination, and have harnessed digital technology to advance existence on Earth. But Rulers are inherently superior to Man and relish that status, with some demonstrating less benevolent attitudes than others.
Issue 1 of God Complex: Dogma kicks off with a rain-drenched killing on the streets of sprawling city, Delphi. As the investigation unfolds, we’re introduced to main character Seneca, a human police investigator who falls under the wing of Hermes, a Ruler heavily involved in matters of security for his people. Without going into too much detail, the bizarre murder – of acolytes belonging to the monotheistic Church of the Trinity – looks part of a conspiracy with world-changing repercussions. You know the drill.

God Complex: Dogma is written by industry veteran Paul Jenkins (known for long runs on Hellblazer, The Incredible Hulk and Spider-Man among others), with input from Glitch co-founder Bryan Lie, who created the God Complex toyline in the first place. Let’s not forget that the new comic seems designed to boost global awareness of the sophisticated Glitch figurines, which already enjoy cult status in Asia.
This said, for a collectibles tie-in, God Complex: Dogma is usually sophisticated. It’s not particularly subtle – Seneca is obsessed with the existential question “Why am I here?” – but the comic clearly has a rich source of lore to draw on in future issues.
In terms of character, meanwhile, Seneca is frankly an uninteresting lead: a brooding, emotionally repressed twentysomething with fashion model stubble. Fortunately though, just as with the Replicants in Blade Runner, the real intrigue of God Complex lies in its depiction of the “other.” The mysterious, faceless Rulers, like Apollo, Zeus and Athena, are waiting to be explored after Hermes is introduced in Issue 1 as a surprisingly frank figure with a dry sense of humour.

What really sells God Complex, though, is the art of Hendry (Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Power Girl) Prasetya, and appropriately moody colouring by Jessica Kholinne. The book is extremely striking, with an aesthetic that reminds you of Ghost in the Shell, and other similar sub-genre fare. God Complex manages that rare feat of appearing gritty without sacrificing clarity to muddiness.
God Complex: Dogma is one to check out, going by the first issue. It’s not easy being dropped into its complex world, but that sense should settle in coming issues as readers learn more about its social order and power players. Certainly the gorgeous visuals in Issue #1 help soften the shock. God Complex is a treat for comic readers who like mystery, moodiness, maturity, and even a little mythology, mixed into their sci-fi.
Original Heretic
I see Tenno, I am immediately intrigued.
Admiral Chief
4/10 Dogma?