Hear ye! Be ye peasant, noble or anything in between, you’re invited to the 11th annual JHB Medieval Fayre on 1 June 2024. Taking place at Greensleeves Medieval Kingdom in Krugersdorp for the second year in a row, you can experience life as it was in the Middle Ages, including a high likelihood of no electricity for unrelated reasons.
Hosted by AlterEgos (who are behind other family-friendly themed events like A Viking Thing and Discworld Day), Medieval Fayre promises to be a fun day out for quaffing mead and ale, feasting on turkey legs and bartering with over 100 of Joburg’s finest merchants in the Magical Market Place. Some more highlighted attractions include:
– Historical European Martial Arts with Esprit de Combat
– Weapon Forging Displays, Axe & Spear Throw
– Archery & Mounted Archery from Phoenix Horseback Archery
– Ride a Steed or a Unicorn
– Toss a tomato and play other Medieval Games with Vegetable Vengeance
– Ye Olde Tavern Trivia
– Ye Grand Fancy Dress Rivalry
– Ye Knight’s Quest Challenge
– Yon Dahogrian Empire Battles
– Play Dungeons & Dragons with Easy Gaming Group
And that’s just a few. More details (including pre-registration for certain events and important parking information) can be found on the event website here and the Facebook page here.

Tickets are available through Quicket, and are selling out fast as the Medieval Fayre is easily the most popular Alter Egos event. If not sold out, tickets will be available at the gate. Prebooking is a safer bet, though, but online pricing is as follows:
- Peasant Tickets (General Access): Grown Peasants – R130 | Small Peasants (under 12) – R60
- Noble Ticket (with vouchers for activities, mead shot, turkey leg, venue map and timetable) – R850
- Bornday Celebration Ticket (Birthday Party for 8 adults) – R7,000
- FREE ENTRY for tiny peasants under 3 years old, and well-socialised pets.
- Parking: R30
Images below from Medieval Fayre 2023.

Giveaway time
The good news is that you can win yourself some tickets by entering a giveaway running on our social media channels. We have three sets of double tickets for Medieval Fayre 2024 to be snatched up – one double-ticket set each on Facebook, Instagram and X/Twitter.
Winners will be selected by random draw, and the primary entry mechanic is replying to the social posts with the Medieval Fayre activity you’re most excited for. (The post above should provide some inspo, but we’re pretty pumped for the turkey legs!)
Terms and conditions
Please only enter if you will be in Johannesburg on 1 June and able to attend Medieval Fayre 2024. Travel and related accommodation costs are not included with this prize. Entries close at midnight on Wednesday, 29 May, and winners of the double tickets will be contacted on the following day, Thursday. People may enter once on each platform, but may earn bonus entries for following and sharing the post.
Good luck!