When it launched, one of the main drawcards of Pokémon GO was that it got you out of the house and actually doing some semblance of exercise, even if that exercise was just walking. Pokémon GO inadvertently got many people involved in fitness and motivated walks, jogs and even runs. You’ve got eggs to hatch, best get your walking shoes on!

Now Niantic Labs are taking that one step (ha!) further with the latest feature in Pokémon GO – Adventure Sync. Pushing the fitness angle, Pokémon GO will start tallying walking distances, even when the app isn’t open. Not only that, but those distances will count towards Egg hatching and earning Candies from your buddy.

But what would the gamification of fitness be without rewards? Thanks to Adventure Sync, you’ll earn rewards for milestones and receive weekly summaries with all your progress and statistics. It’s also going to synchronise with Apple Health and Google Fit, for the all-encompassing experience.

There’s no word on when it will be launched, but in the meantime, Niantic Labs’ full statement on Adventure Sync is below:

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Exploring with Pokémon GO has never been easier with a new feature coming soon! Adventure Sync can record your walking distances even when Pokémon GO isn’t launched, working in the background to tally your distance, earn Candy, and hatch Eggs!

Plus, Adventure Sync will deliver a weekly summary, where you can see your Incubator and Candy progress as well as important activity statistics. Check in via your Trainer Profile to see the number of kilometers recorded for the week. Earn rewards each week for each milestone you cross, and receive push notifications when your Buddy Pokémon has found a Candy or when an Egg is about to hatch!

You can opt into Adventure Sync at any time, and the feature will connect to both Apple Health on Apple devices and Google Fit on Android devices.

So let’s get motivated and GO! Stay safe, and happy exploring!
