According to Niantic’s announcement, the starter Pokémon originally from the Pokémon Ruby and Pokémon Sapphire video games; Treecko, Torchic and Mudkip, will start appearing in Pokémon GO sometime this week. Other Pokémon from the Hoenn region will be appearing in a staggered release over the next few weeks as well.
The bigger change, however, is the new dynamic weather system. The in-game map will be updated with new weather visuals showing rain, snow, sunshine and so on. But it’s not just a cosmetic enhancement, the weather will actually affect your Pokémon.
Certain Pokémon types will be more commonly found, depending on the weather. For example, Mudkip and other water types are more likely to spawn when it’s raining. On top of this, when you’re battling at gyms, the efficacy of your Pokémon’s attacks will be affected by the weather as well. Fire-type attacks will do better on sunny days, water type attacks on rainy days and so on.
While I do think the addition of the weather effects will make the game more interesting and varied, I don’t know how keen I am to be out playing Pokémon GO while it’s raining, umbrella or not! But, like most new additions to the game, I’m happy to give them a try. I just hope that areas where certain weather (like snow) never happens won’t miss out on the chance to catch weather-specific Pokémon types.
Original Heretic
“Fire-type attacks will do better on sunny days, water type attacks on rainy days and so on.”
Ghost types will be more hardcore in a haunted house.
Flying types, you gotta be in a helicopter.
Fairy type…. Nope, censoring myself before I say anything on that one!
Ground type, you better find a nearby mine for maximum effectiveness.
So in Cape Town it will be like the the rain visual update never existed