As the famous Owen Wilson once said… Wow. Thank you so much for the overwhelming response to our inaugural giveaway with the Choose your Suicide Squad competition.
We really enjoyed your comments and seeing the unique combinations that everyone came up with. Out of curiosity, we tallied up the favourites: Harley Quinn came out ahead with 40 of you choosing her for your team, King Shark came in second with 21, and, unsurprisingly, these two were the most popular pair. Seems like you all look forward to causing a LOT of chaos!
Alas, our choices didn’t determine the winners, we left that up to the gods of to decide. Here are the five lucky winners:

Congratulations Kavi, Talya de Beer, Jasond, Elmarie and Brent Anthony Gladwin! We’ll be reaching out to organise your prizes. If you missed out, we’re sorry, but we will make sure we arrange more competitions and giveaways soon!
Thank you again to Empire Entertainment for sponsoring these prizes.
Thank you so so much! Also, absolutely loving the new site!