It’s no secret that we fell in love with Netflix’s One Piece, a live-action adaptation of the beloved pirate manga and anime. During Comic Con Cape Town we were fortunate to sit down with series cast member, and Capetonian local, Aidan Scott, who plays key supporting character Helmeppo – an entitled brat who evolves into a dedicated pirate-hunting Marine. We chatted to Aidan about what he’s up to now, his hopes for Helmeppo’s development in future seasons, his favourite on-set experience, and… The Wig!
Thanks to the Comic Con organisers and PR team for setting up this interview.

Tracy ( Obviously, big fan of One Piece here. How did you get the role of Helmeppo?
Aidan Scott: It was just out of COVID, and I was so close to quitting. I studied drama and it’s what I enjoyed. I was working a little bit, getting bits and pieces here and there. Did a lot of plays, and then COVID happened and there was no work for like, two years. And I was like, cool I’m just going to become an estate agent!
Was Estate Agent your back-up plan?
Aidan Scott: Well, I was trying to think because I didn’t really have a backup plan. Gosh, like I need to pay my bills, what should I do? And around the same week I was thinking of doing something else, One Piece came across from my agent. But it was codenamed Project Panda. The description was “stretchy rubber kid, he’s also a pirate. Are you interested?” I’m like, eh, kinda, maybe, and then I found out it was One Piece, and I was like, oh my gosh this is amazing. I did an audition, and obviously I play Helmeppo, and as soon as I read the character description I thought, I know how to do that. I can play “dick-bag”. And I did it, and they obviously liked it, and I got the part!

You didn’t have any background about One Piece, were you aware of the anime or not at all?
Aidan Scott: No, I’d seen pictures of Luffy but I didn’t know what it was. I think the anime and manga world is so big that you kind of feel like, oh this is a weird, Japanese kind of comic book. But I didn’t know what it was. So, when I booked the job, I started really getting into it.
We’ve seen so many comments online, people saying that you really nailed the character. How much research did you do into the role once you knew who you were playing?
Aidan Scott: I watched the first episode, because Helmeppo appears. There’s a scene where he walks into the Crucifixion with Zoro, and the guy in the anime just said one word and I was like, I know how to do that. I don’t need to see anything else about this character, I literally know how to play that. And, so, I watched, maybe an episode? I didn’t want to watch too much, because I also wanted to bring a realness to it, and not be sidetracked by the big-ness of the anime. So, I got an idea of what this character is and took it from there.
Enquiring minds want to know, what was your reaction when you saw The Wig for the first time?
Aidan Scott: Well, the interesting thing about it is that we started off the live-action with long hair. In the anime he starts off with the short hair, so I was like, oh that’s interesting that they’re giving me long hair because I know, iconically he has the bob cut. And then I read the script and I realised there’s a whole backstory to how he gets the bob cut – Zoro cuts it shorter. That is so cool that they’re able to give such detail to such a simple thing like a wig. Then I obviously put it on and I’m like, I can feel this guy’s spirit. It was nuts, I loved it.

Did you expect One Piece to be as big as it’s been? Did you know what you were getting into?
Aidan Scott: We haven’t had the best track record with live action anime adaptations, right? We all know that. So, when this came by, I was like, so Netflix is producing another live action, but they know that live actions don’t do well. But I think they’ve got an idea of what this one’s going to look like. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be doing it, they wouldn’t be putting so much money into doing it. And then I found out that [Eiichiro] Oda was also executive producing on it, so I was like, this is going to be good!
I think, you could feel from the whole creative team that everyone cared so much about the work. This is very exciting, because I don’t think the world’s really seen something like this before. Super goofy, super colourful, slapstick but then also so real. And I think they nail on the head, and everyone appreciated that as well. Fans and new fans alike.
And you were happy to hear One Piece was renewed?
Aidan Scott: Yes! Over the moon!
What was your first reaction when you got that news?
Aidan Scott: I was very thankful, because I thought the first season was incredible and I think everyone felt the same way. So, it felt expected, but when it happened it was just a reassurance that yes, we’re on the right track here with what we’re doing and it’s going well.

Looking at your professional background and proficiencies, you have a lot of dance, trampoline, fitness training. You’ve got a massive skillset.
Aidan Scott: Jack of all trades!
Did any of that come into play with your stunt work?
Aidan Scott: Not specifically or particularly. I think as an actor you’re curious about a lot of different things, and I think in a weird way it always works itself into your performances, if that makes sense? Yeah, I was playing Helmeppo who is this kind of character, but as a kid I was interested in physical theatre, and obviously Helmeppo in the manga is super animated and I’m prepped for that because I know how to move. With stunt work, I didn’t do many stunts at all, I was lucky! I just saw Mackenyu doing all the stunts around me, and I let him take the lead.

On that note, with your extensive skillset, is there any skill you’d like to bring more on screen? Is there something you’d like to show off on screen?
Aidan Scott: Definitely sword fighting. And from what I know, after the time skip, Helmeppo does get armed with two swords, which is very cool and I’m very excited to explore. We have that to look forward to.
From what we’ve gathered, there was such a strong sense of comradery and general good vibes on the One Piece set. Do you have a favourite memory from filming? A favourite moment or day on set?
Aidan Scott: Honestly, being with Morgan Davies, who is Koby. Him and I got along like two hot cakes and just pitching up on set every day with a friend of mine and just exploring this world together both as characters and as actors. Like, oh my gosh we’re at the Baratie, in real life and in the show, was just amazing. And meeting the different actors who would come into the show and do one scene here and there. It was incredible to watch it come to life, both as a character and an actor.

Helmeppo has a strong character arc in season one; do you know where the character is going to be going? We know about the two swords, but is there anything else you can tell us?
Aidan Scott: I don’t know too much about what they’re going to do with the live action version of the story; I think every season is a different thing to tackle. What I am excited about is the potential setup of SWORD, a group which has Tashigi, Helmeppo, Koby and a couple of other Marines and they kind of form this pact, which I’m very excited to discover. And just a lot more of the Marines stuff, because you see a lot of Straw Hats, and it’s beautiful and incredible and it takes you on that journey, but I think it’s also cool to see what the Marines are all about. So, I’m excited to explore all of that.
For you, yourself? What’s on the cards for you?
Aidan Scott: I’m currently doing a play called Amadeus about the life of Mozart, and I am playing Mozart. That’s running at Theatre on the Bay in Camps Bay until 18 May.

Just to wrap up, a silly question. So, you’re at a convention, there’s loads of people dressing up, if you had to cosplay any character who would you want to cosplay as? And you can’t say Helmeppo!
Aidan Scott: Oh, I can’t say Helmeppo! Um, I would love to cosplay as… I would love to do a good Batman. Like, a hard-core, dark Batman. That’s where my gut is going.