Narrative adventure Life is Strange: True Colors, from developers Deck Nine, is out now. As the latest entry in the much-loved Square Enix franchise, it...
Chances are you’ve never played anything like musical narrative adventure The Artful Escape, from indie developers Beethoven & Dinosaur, and publisher Annapurna Interactive.
Take a break from the pressures of always-on, always-connected 21st Century life with Lake, a relaxing narrative adventure out now from Gamious and Whitethorn Digital.
Developed by Demagog Studio, Golf Club: Wasteland is a thoughtful look at the end of the world, consumerism, Silicon Valley culture, and ecological disaster.
If there are two things all geeks love, it's role-playing games, and their pets. Campaigns & Companions: The Complete Role-Playing Guide for Pets, published by...